DAF senior leaders speak at Air Force Sergeants Association conference
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The three-day event focused on understanding the strategic competition, the role of service members in building the Force of the Future, professional development, networking and insights from senior service leaders.
Air Force announces CY24 promotion board schedule, aligns to officer SCODs
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The Air Force announced the 2024 promotion board schedule Aug. 22, which marks the transition to align most promotion boards with their associated evaluation closeout dates.
‘Tinker and the Primes’ conference returns to talk sustainment, supply chain needs in a world with true competitors
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Almost 2,000 aerospace representatives and defense officials recently gathered near Tinker Air Force Base at the Reed Center at Delta Hotels for the 17th annual Tinker and the Primes conference.
AF Week in Photos
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This week's photos feature Airmen from around the globe involved in activities supporting expeditionary operations and defending America. This weekly feature showcases the men and women of the Air Force.
Stories of Service: Lt. Col. Daphne Jackson discusses how representation matters
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Lt. Col. Daphne Jackson, 377th Air Base Wing Staff judge advocate, shares her story and passion for diversity, inclusion and minority recruitment.
Stories of Service: Representation matters: The life of Lt. Col. Daphne Jackson
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Lt. Col. Daphne Jackson, 377th Air Base Wing Staff judge advocate, shared her story and passion for diversity, inclusion and minority recruitment.
DoD releases actions to transform climate, enhance prevention of harmful behaviors at military service academies
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In a memo to DoD senior leaders, SecDef Austin noted that while the military service academies are dominant in many domains, they have far more work to do to halt sexual assault and harassment.
Air Force releases new memo, doctrine on mission command
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The Air Force recently released two documents on mission command Aug. 16.
DAF selects JetZero to develop blended wing body aircraft prototype
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The Department of the Air Force selected JetZero for the next phase of a blended wing body prototype aircraft project Aug. 16.
Recipients of Harold Brown Award 2021, 2022 honored at Pentagon ceremony
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Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall hosted an award ceremony at the Pentagon for recipients of the 2021 and 2022 Harold Brown Award, Aug. 8.