Wow! This Gave Me Chills! What Awesome Runners!
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While the crowd gathered at the starting line, a 95-year-old vet donned his WWII uniform and took a seat on his front lawn to applaud the passing runners. Each year the 408K Race to the Row raises funds for the Pat Tillman Foundation, so Joe Bell wanted to show his appreciation, but he was the one in for a surprise.
A Veteran’s Review: “Lone Survivor Not Just Another Film”
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As Lone Survivor has enjoyed critical and commercial success for its professional depiction of challenging subject matter, veteran Dan Doyle explores the more nuanced aspects of the film, drawing on his own experiences with a Marine Recon unit during the Vietnam War.
Imagine Waking Up In The Middle Of The Night To This
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Are you proud to be an American? Get ready for a lump in your throat, a tear in your eye, and pride in your heart.
Marine Talks Honestly About The Personal Toll Of War
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He was distant and angry after returning from multiple deployments, then he sought help.
From Olympic Runner to WWII Prisoner: Louis Zamperini’s Story Astounds
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The book tells a harrowing tale of one man’s struggle against insurmountable odds. From ravenous sharks to brutal captivity, you won’t find Louis Zamperini’s story in the fiction section of the book store. Indeed, every bit of his tale is true and told as never before in Laura Hillenbrand’s Unbroken.
The Paradox of War
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"Our soldiers are the first to fight and die, but they are also the first to begin the rebuilding. Let's give them the training and the support they need to do that. When they come home to us again, we must help them reenter society gracefully" LIKE if you agree!
Survive. Recover. Live. (The Rob Jones Story)
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Watch "Survive. Recover. Live. (The Rob Jones Story)." Do it! You, too, will come away from it with a better sense of life and how to live it to the very fullest, despite your circumstances.
The Untold Story of our Female Veterans
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Read this touching article about our amazing female veterans, as seen through the eyes of a Vietnam veteran.