Airtight security
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I always laugh anytime someone talks about how a place has airtight security “like it’s guarded by Marines”. If you’re a vet you probably know what kind of idiot crayon eaters they are depending on.
I was an airframe mech at HMX-1 in Quantico back in the late 90s. We had the white top “Marine One” helicopters that were housed in their own secure hangar that was called “the cage”. Unlike most air wing units we had a couple platoons of MPs as a permanent security detachment that did nothing other than guard the hangar and aircraft 24/7. The whole area was fenced off, NOBODY was allowed in without proper credentials, and the “deadly force authorized” signs were on the fences. (I imagine the 89th at Andrews has a similar setup).
MCAF Quantico is on the banks of the Potomac River about 30 miles south of DC. At the time the “cage” hangar was at the far north end of the airfield. If any aircraft were on the ramp there had to be a guard patrolling the area in addition to whatever mechanics or flight crew were doing. Everyone knows to challenge anyone who isn’t supposed to be there.
One bright fall day a couple of guys in a bass boat ran out of gas and paddled into shore. They beached their boat and went in search of some fuel. Seeing some buildings with people they headed in that direction. They walked across the runway. Hopped over the concrete barrier and walked up to 5 Marines working on a VH-60 and asked “hey we ran our boat out of gas, where can we get a gallon or two?”
The air wingers were busy so one of them dismissively said “I dunno, check in the maintenance control inside the hangar.” So the two fishermen (who very obviously did NOT belong anywhere near such a secure area strolled right into the hangar past several other marines and a guard, right into the door that said Maintenance Control. It was finally at this point where someone said “who the hell are you and how did you get here?!!”
Heads rolled the next day.
No it wasn’t me, I got the story after the full squadron formation/ass chewing that happened shortly afterward.
So anytime someone mentions “airtight security” I just think of two idiot bass fishermen strolling right through the hangar.
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