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So, I figured I'd go ahead and tell the story of my malicious compliance. I'll include a TL;DR but there is a bit of back-story involved.
So, fortunately for me, I only did 2 years. But, unfortunately, I ruptured the fascia in my left foot, damn near my right, and was told by the brilliant medical doctors of the military I'd never walk again.I can, but it's not always fun.
So, be me, just graduated 25B (IT nerd for those who care) AIT, which is 20 weeks. I get to my unit, and for whatever fuckin reason there's a SSG that just DOES NOT like me. I mean, it's probably because I was an E4 boot that had perfected the art of the shamurai, but that's neither here nor there.
Assignments came and went, and I reported and disappeared. As far as my young 19yo mind cared, I'd earned the right to delegate and dissipate.
We go on deployment, do our thing, cool. That's another story for another time.
So, here's the real kicker. SSG asshole is still there. I catch wind he's going through his 10th divorce (/s) and is salty as hell about things, and already doesn't like me. Hell, he's especially nice to others and really rubbing it in to me. It got the point with him where I attempted to address him man-to-man.
"Sarnt with all due respect, I'd like to understand this clear issue" and he laughed in my face and told me "I don't have to like you." Fair enough.
So, we're back from the sandpit and the semi-annual PT test comes around. For background, I was born with insanely high arches. Apparently the one good doc I had mentioned I was constantly walking around on 3in heels. Well, we're still doing the push-ups, sit-ups, and 2mi. I do my exercises and get ready for the run. I managed to run a 14:30, but apparently as soon as I finished and was given my time I collapsed. I mean, I'd been having my feet hurt but I figured that just came with the job.
Well, apparently, it was so bad that like I said I ruptured my left fascia. Adrenaline is a helluva drug. And my right foot wasn't far off. I was told I'd never walk on my own again and given crutches. They made some excuse about how they couldn't give me a wheely. I shoulda used one. If I had, it wouldn't still be bothering me like it does. God Bless Uncle Sam, cuz you can't sue his ass when you're his own property.
Well, I get put on a 100% profile and cued for discharge. Join up with the "cripple crew" who were all on the way out, but still had to pretend we earned our pay. Can't really serve the military when you can't fuckin walk.
SSG Asshole is the Day Sergeant most of my time, but lucky for us the 1SG assigns us random shit to do in the mornings while SSG Asshole naps at the desk. Fuck that. You want me to go rake rocks while you take a nap, well I'll just go to my room and not do shit. Which didn't exactly smooth SSG Asshole over. I was on a lot of drugs.
Cue my Malicious Compliance. It gets to the point where SSG Asshole calls me to his desk, in front of everyone, and calls me out for not doing shit. I do my best to explain that I'm getting out, I'm on a 100% profile, and therefore I'm not even supposed to be doing what he asks. Well, that just made him angrier.I'm standing there, on crutches, and he DEMANDS that I stand at parade rest. I do my best, but no matter what, it's not good enough. How do I stand at parade rest when I can't put weight on my broken ass feet? He doesn't care. He's just ripping into me as hard as he can without actually smoking me. Neither of us were perfect, but he just decided to lay out all his anger on me that day.
Well, SSG Asshole, in his infinite wisdom, forget to remember that the 1SG was the one in charge of the "cripple crew", and 1SG actually gave a fraction of a fuck about our well-being. He might've cared a bit about my position. I like to think he did. Fortunately for me, he came to my defense, and tore SSG Asshole a new one.
I'm still fighting the VA about my benefits, since apparently my injury existed prior to service. No thank to SSG Asshole. But hey, that'll work out eventually. My ETS date was cut short when my Dad got Stage 4 throat cancer, and I demanded to go home and take care of him....
TL;DR I got put on full profile and SSG Asshole got checked by the 1SG when he asked me to stand at Parade Rest on crutches.
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