The Thin Line Meanings
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Thin Line Meanings
It started with the Thin Blue Line and with the rise of professions and support for protective services and first responders the thin lines have grown. We have the meanings of the most popular thin lines below.
Thin Blue Line Meaning
Essentially there are three meanings. The Thin Blue Line represents the thin line Police Officers walk daily between life and death. The Thin Blue Line represents the police officer role of separating the good from the bad while creating order from chaos. The Thin Blue Line on black is a memorial or a connection or memory between Officers killed in the line of Duty and those who continue with their duties in the present.
Thin Red Line Meaning
As firefighters are periled, they place their lives second to those they protect. They are forced to face their own fears and grasp for every ounce of courage to perform the necessary task. “The Thin Red Line of Courage” represents the last ounce of courage firefighters find deep in their blood to conquer their darkest fears in order to save and protect life and property. It is displayed to show respect for firefighters injured and killed in the line of duty.
Thin Green Line Meaning
The Thin Green Line represents Federal Agents such as Border Patrol, Park Rangers, Game Wardens and Conservation Personnel. Some consider the Thin Green Line representing military as well.
Thin White Line Meaning
The Thin White Line represents emergency medical services. The thin white line differs from other thin lines in that the background is blue instead of black, with a white line crossing horizontally through the middle. Another version would be black background with white line.
Thin Silver Line Meaning
The Thin Silver Line represents Correctional Officers.
Thin Orange Line Meaning
The Thin Orange Line represents Search and Rescue Personnel and sometimes EMS.
Thin Yellow Line Meaning
The Thin Yellow Line represents Security Guards and Loss Prevention. (Also has been known to represent truck drivers.)
The Thin Gold Line is another version, which represents dispatchers.
Thin Reflective Line Meaning
Coming Soon...
Vicky Johnson
November 4, 2017
I may be wrong but where are the recognitions for the Sheriffs?? I can’t find any reference to a specific color reference. Is there a reason for the lack of information. I have much respect and honor for anyone risking their lives. I know that they are law enforcement but why is every other agency list but not Sheriffs. Can someone please help me?? Thank you and God Bless all that risk their lives to protect ours. And God Bless their families that also sacrifice to support their Heroes.
November 2, 2017
I propose a Thin Tan Line to represent military service by either active duty, reserves, veterans, and civilians employed by DoD or government contractors.
November 1, 2017
This is strange as I thought the Red, White and Blue encompassed all citizens. No need for the lines, we are all ONE Nation under ONE God, right? When I die, with all my years of service, I expect our national flag to be put over my coffin, not one with a green line. If anything fly them together, side by side. Of course the national flag should be a little higher, per flag flying rules.
As a note, if the US flag is flown upside down and at half mast, it is a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.
Elisa D
October 20, 2017
Why not Richard U, tow truck drivers are out on the roads picking up stalled or wrecked cars in traffic while idiots speed right by them, not caring that they are out there. One of my coworkers was killed picking up a car on the freeway when a semi hit the car and squished the driver in between the car and the tow truck. Careless drivers out there taking peoples lives because they are in a rush to get home. Please!!!!
Army For Life
October 13, 2017
The thin line STARTED with the ARMY, NOT the Police! The thin line for decades represented the line of defense against all who would do harm. Our barracks in Germany in the 1980’s had a thin OD GREEN line on black background flag and also painted on the barracks wall that said “the line drawn to defend others” the 1st Calvary’s patch is Yellow, with the calvary horse and the thin black line which represents the same. You need a serious history lesson about the lines and where they started. Our unit rolled into Baghdad wearing a line flag representative of “the line in the sand” in the early 90’s. The Green line has been ARMY, not park rangers or other BS for DECADES. Get your facts right.
October 7, 2017
Why don’t nurses have their own? They deal with all kinds of things on a daily basis. They deserve so much and yet. Get so little. Smh.
Sandy Webster
September 18, 2017
In my opinion none of these professions deserve this recognition. Y’all don’t do anything
B. Cozby-Hance
September 14, 2017
My husband is not only an Army Veteran but was a Police Officer and a Correctional Officer. I was a Correctional Officer, Federal Mobile Task Force Supervisor and a DOTD Engineering Tech. who supervised road construction. Whoever works any of these jobs, puts their lives on the line daily and deserves respect. For those who sit in judgement and say otherwise, it is obvious they have never worked those positions or had to respond to a death, hostage situation, rape, brutal beating, stabbing, gas explosion, hit and run, shots fired (yes I have even been shot at lol) and so on and so forth. Unless you have worked the position, you cannot fathom what the jobs actually entail so please give them all some respect.
September 6, 2017
I think everyone needs to stop thinking they are all so damn special that they deserve their own line. Seriously this shit needs to stop, just do your damn job. You don’t need recognition if you do it right.
September 4, 2017
Tow operators should have the reflective line and hey Richard not only are more of us killed but the are times when fire ems need us to hold a vehicle up so they can safely extricate someone trapped in that or another vehicle underneath the first one we don’t just tow cars and we do see the carnage on the roads everyday
August 23, 2017
What thin line represents hazardous materials technicians?
August 3, 2017
I don’t see the point in a military thin line as they are the very reason for the flag’s existence.
July 16, 2017
Red Thin Line is actually the representation of MILITARY…always has been. When the thin blue line started for police, the firefighters assumed the military “thin red line.” It goes way back to a line of Scots fighting for the English in Crimea. You should really have it represented as Military on here and then Firefighters secondly…..
Michael A Esposito Jr
July 4, 2017
Why does the orange line represent Search and Rescue and EMS when they are associated with the fire department and not road workers? There are as many construction workers killed on the road as Emergency Services in a lot of states. We are the basis of infrastructure.
Heavy Wrecker Operator
July 2, 2017
Why do wrecker drivers have a spot you ask RICHARD URRABAS? Well it’s like this go lay on the side of a highway with a dozen 1,000 lb + vehicles flying past you with no regard for your safety or your life while you are laying down on the pavement close to them trying to hook to a customer’s vehicle to get them and you off the road and home safely. Our priority is keeping the customers safe and out of harm’s way but in the back of your mind your hoping that one of those vehicles coming towards you with no regard to move over to the furthest lane or slow down doesn’t leave it’s lane of travel and into yours we all face these morons everyday including police,fire,ems, and D.O.T! We all work the highways and streets and hope to make it home safely in my honest opinion it’s just a line we all know the dangers of our jobs arguing about who has a color and why cause it is what it is we all fight to stay alive most of us are not so fortunate to go home to our families in all honesty the ones who deserve a line the most is the men and women who fought for our country so we all could have the right to free speech so we can argue about things like this. And the ones who protect our asses everyday in each state and the ones who save our lives when we have a wreck or a serious medical condition and need to get to a hospital fast. So never ask why someone does or doesn’t have a line all that matters the American flag. And I would like to take the time to say thank you each and every one of our veterans and the ones still serving our great country and to all of those who never made it back – POW MIA – they may be gone but they sure as hell will never be forgotten.
Samuel Martinez
June 12, 2017
Military should be represented by a camouflage line on the Am. Flag.
June 10, 2017
The first responders are seen first hand. Your Correctional officers never seen. We are the ones who Smile at the Devil and walk into he’ll everyday. The first responders go get the offenders and they drop them off to us. We are the ones who deal with these persons everyday. We are the ones who out ate lives on the line. We deal with the people who have done unthinkable things. We have to protect ourselves and them. I say if you haven’t been behind the wall, don’t tell me we don’t deserve a line or how to do my job. I’ll be more than happy to be a police or emt. So, until you been in hell shut up and sit down.
Dewey Youngerman
June 9, 2017
Active duty and Veterans already have 13 lines. For me, as a Veteran coming from at least 6 family generations of Veterans before me, I’m good with my country’s my flag.
June 8, 2017
Lmfao I understand the police, fire, ems and military but the others just make a joke of the rest of them… and if there going by dangerous jobs then lineman should have one
May 30, 2017
Richard Urrabas..because we have more operators killed then any other agency. There was 6 or 7 just last week alone.
Agent Fortney
May 17, 2017
What is the line color for “Fugitive Recovery Agents ?”
We are in harms way daily, hunting dangerous fugitives , often with No backup of any form.
Someone email me and let me know. I’d love to get patches for our agents
May 15, 2017
I respect police officers, firefighters, and EMS but I couldn’t care less about any of the other thin lines. As active duty military I originally thought it’d be cool to have a “thin line” but the American flag works just fine.
David Hoppe
April 16, 2017
I would vote Gold to represent all military and first responders to represent the hearts of gold they must have to run in when everyone else is running out and to represent how precious they are to us when we need them.
March 17, 2017
No line for a military veteran??? Vets should have their own line
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